Emergency Support Services
If you have an emergency please use the information below.
Nottingham City Council (for Nottingham City residents only)
Opening hours are 9.00 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.
Adult Social Care services that can be accessed via 0300 131 0300 include:
Safeguarding referrals, signposting to specialist Adult Social Care teams (Learning Disabilities, Mental Health, Sensory and Neurological), Social Worker and Occupational Therapy Assessment, Home Care, Day Care, Meals at Home, Care Homes for Older People, Carer Support Assistive Technology, Adaptations and Renewals Agency.
All enquiries outside these hours, please use the Emergency Duty Team number 0115 876 1000
Nottingham CityCare Partnership
Referrals to the services listed can be made via 0300 131 0300 or via a secure and easy to use the online form at www.nottinghamcitycare.nhs.uk
Opening hours are 8 am to 7 pm, Monday to Friday
The Crisis Response Service can be accessed between 8 am and 10 pm, 7 days a week
The crisis line number is 0808 196 3779 and is available to anyone in mental health crisis at anytime, anywhere across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.
If you need to talk, any time of day or night
These services offer confidential support from trained volunteers. You can talk about anything that's troubling you, no matter how difficult:
Call 116 123 to talk to Samaritans, or email: jo@samaritans.org for a reply within 24 hours
Text "SHOUT" to 85258 to contact the Shout Crisis Text Line, or text "YM" if you're under 19
If you're under 19, you can also call 0800 1111 to talk to Childline. The number will not appear on your phone bill.
The mental health charity Mind has information on ways to help yourself cope during a crisis.
This includes calming exercises and a tool to get you through the next few hours.
You can also use the NHS 111 online service, or call 111.
Coronavirus Information and Helplines
Nottingham City Council Coronavirus Support Line - 0115 915 5555
Nottinghamshire County Council Coronavirus Information – Customer Service Centre - 0300 500 8080 – 8am – 6pm Monday to Friday
If you, or someone you know, would like to register for support please call 0808 196 3646 (8am to 8pm, 7 days a week).
Alternatively, if you have hearing loss, the Support Team is set up to accept and utilise the Relay UK service or source other BSL interpreter support.
Volunteer services include:
Community Response Volunteers on hand to help with shopping for food and essential items, and to collect and deliver prescriptions from the pharmacy.
Check In and Chat Volunteers available for regular talks over the phone, where you can have a chat with a friendly voice.
Check In and Chat Plus Volunteers provide a regular check-in by telephone to the same individual for a duration of 4 weeks, with typically 3 calls taking place each week.
British Red Cross support line
Call free and confidentially, 10am to 6pm daily
0808 196 3651
Red Cross wheelchair volunteers, we can offer wheelchair hire for just £17.50 a week,
The British Red Cross support line provides support in more than 200 languages,
At Disability Support we have a variety of services to help disabled people, older people and carers. To find out more select the tabs on the "Our Services" menu.
Can't find what you are looking for?
Call us on 0115 9785095 or email Info@ddnottingham.com